Enhance Small and Medium Enterprises Management as Perspective TQM
International Journal of Industrial Engineering |
© 2019 by SSRG - IJIE Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2019 |
Authors : Mohamed Reda Ramadan Gomaa |
How to Cite?
Mohamed Reda Ramadan Gomaa, "Enhance Small and Medium Enterprises Management as Perspective TQM," SSRG International Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 18-26, 2019. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23499362/IJIE-V6I1P104
Small and medium enterprises play an important role in economic development in the industrial world countries, and also the third world countries as the same level. Moreover, small and medium enterprises are considered the backbone to complete, and feed the large projects, especially the automobiles, garments, and textile industries. As general, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the third world face shortage in the productivity. Besides, the human factor represents approximately 60% of the essential properties for SMEs that represent the ownership, leadership, management, and workforces. The paper aims to enhance the role and support the planning, and implementation stages of SMEs, and apply its beneficiary's assistance program, especially in the first stage of enterprise's preparation which focuses on selection approach of enterprise's beneficiaries, especially managers, and owners to identify, and develop their skills as perspective entrepreneur's style to implement their enterprises. Furthermore, the paper adopts medium, small, and micro enterprises development (MSMED) management service to emerge it under unified management system as perspective total quality service (TQS). Moreover, MESs beneficiary's assistance program includes such stages as feasibility studies, products promotion and marketing, human resources development, quality control and upgrading, enterprise management and assessment. Furthermore, the paper puts forth a scheme such as flowchart, and fishbone (cause, and effect) to follow-up small enterprise and assesses the actual needs during implementation stages as perspective continuous improvement. Moreover the paper studies sample of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) which had been funded from Social Fund for Development (SFD) 1990 ago and it developed year 2017 to MSMEs agency to emerge all beneficiaries which are funded from another authorities and associations which is worked in this scope and is managed by the cabinet of Egypt as umbrella, and UNDP by cooperation with NGOs, and universities. Main findings eend-up with a major responsibility of mmanpower factor behind most small and medium enterprises problems. In addition, the mechanism of technical assistance for small and medium enterprise's beneficiaries must apply the scientific approaches during the planning and implementing of enterprise according to actual needs assessment of
enterprise's beneficiaries. Thus, the integrating of all authorities and associations which is worked in micro, small, and medium enterprises under unified agency which is considered the backbone to support and improve the managerial performance and in turn the all items of productivity.
Fishbone, cause and effect, flow chart. Productivity, need assessment, technical assistance, total quality management (TQM), medium, small, and micro development enterprises agency (MSMEA), total quality service (TQS).
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