Measurement of Gear Stiffness of Healthy and Cracked Spur Gear by Strain Gauge Technique

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
© 2018 by SSRG - IJME Journal |
Volume 5 Issue 7 |
Year of Publication : 2018 |
Authors : Chetan M. Patil, Ajay D. Pingale |
How to Cite?
Chetan M. Patil, Ajay D. Pingale, "Measurement of Gear Stiffness of Healthy and Cracked Spur Gear by Strain Gauge Technique," SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 5, no. 7, pp. 9-15, 2018. Crossref,
Due to excessive service load, inappropriate operating conditions, or simply the end of fatigue life, damage can occur in gears. A fault either distributed or localized is incurred by gear stiffness, and ultimately vibration characteristics of the damaged tooth will change. An experimental technique based on a strain gauge was used to measure the gear mesh stiffness of healthy and cracked spur gear. The crack length was also identified by calculating the stress intensity factor of the cracked spur gear. Gear mesh stiffness varies during the meshing of gear, and it is the main excitation source of machine noise and vibration. It is also affected due to any fault in gear tooth-like crack. Tooth becomes less stiff due to a crack in gear tooth, and vibration response varies from the original. Also, it affects the dynamic behavior of transmission and may lead to an abrupt loss in efficiency and damages. Cracks are one of the most dangerous faults that can also affect gear teeth due to excessive loads transmitted and material fatigue, especially at the teeth root where a stress concentration is observed. Tooth damage causes a reduction in gear tooth stiffness. It is a key parameter in gear dynamics determining factors such as the gear system's load-carrying capacity, dynamic tooth loads, and vibration characteristics. The tooth's stiffness is calculated from deflections due to bending, fillet foundation deflections, and contact deflection.
Cracked Gear, Spur Gear, Strain Gauge, Strain energy, Stress intensity.
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