SSRG International Journal of Applied Chemistry ( IJAC )

Editor in Chief | Dr. A. Heidari, |
California South University (CSU), | |
Irvine, California, USA. | |
ISSN | 2393-9133 |
Publication Frequency | 3 Issue per Year |
Publisher | Seventh Sense Research Group® |
Paper Submission id | |
SSRG International Journal of Applied Chemistry ( SSRG - IJAC ) is a scholarly double-blind peer-reviewed research publishing Journal.
Aim and Scope:
SSRG International Journal of Applied Chemistry - IJAC is a double blind peer reviewed International Journal that provides rapid publication of articles in all areas of applied chemistry and its applications. The journal welcomes publications of high quality papers on theoretical developments and practical applications in Chemical Science, researches on modern chemistry as well as Environmental Science, including all aspects of inorganic and organic structures, kinetics and mechanisms of chemical reactions. IJAC concerns also Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and their studies such as isolation, structure elucidation, spectroscopic properties, Analytical methods, synthesis structure-activity relationship and chemometrics and its applications in separation science. The journal also covers all application problems of modern chemistry, including the structure of inorganic and organic compounds, kinetics and mechanisms of chemical reactions, problems of chemical processes and apparatus, borderline problems of chemistry and applied research.
IJAC is a Journal with top quality contributions publishes a wide range of outstanding Reviews, Mini reviews, Concepts, Full Papers, and Communications from all areas of chemistry applied to the related fields. IJAC provides an excellent platform for increasing the visibility of applied chemistry as well as for featuring the best research from authors from around the world.
Papers are solicited from, but not limited to the following topics:
- Acids, Bases, and pH
- Analytical Methods in Chemistry
- Application of Computer in Chemistry
- Atomic Structure
- Catalysis by Organometallic Compounds
- Chemistry of S and P Block Elements
- Electrochemistry
- Equations and Stoichiometry
- General Principles of Metallurgy
- Industrial Chemicals and Environment
- Inorganic Materials of Industrial Importance
- Inorganic Polymers
- Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis
- Lanthanoids and Actinoids
- Molecular Modelling and Drug Design
- Noble Gases
- Organic Chemistry & Biochemistry
- Organic science and Bioscience
- Organometallic Compounds
- Oxidation-Reduction
- Periodicity of Elements
- Research Methodology for Chemistry
- Transition Elements
- Units and Measurement
Authors Geographical Coverage :
China, Nigeria, India, Argentina, Morocco, Syria, Tanzania, United Arab Emirates, Kenya, Korea, Colombia, Uganda, Srilanka, Ethiopia, Uzbekistan, Ireland, Taiwan, Argentia, Kazahastan, Japan, Bonsonia, Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Egypt,.etc,.