Determination of Heavy Metals Concentration and Quality Parameters of Export Groundnut Seeds as Compare with Sudanese Standard Metrology Organization

International Journal of Applied Chemistry
© 2025 by SSRG - IJAC Journal
Volume 12 Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2025
Authors : Awad Mohammed Babeker, Mohammed Bahreldin Hussein, Hamid Elhadi Briema
How to Cite?

Awad Mohammed Babeker, Mohammed Bahreldin Hussein, Hamid Elhadi Briema, "Determination of Heavy Metals Concentration and Quality Parameters of Export Groundnut Seeds as Compare with Sudanese Standard Metrology Organization," SSRG International Journal of Applied Chemistry, vol. 12,  no. 1, pp. 1-7, 2025. Crossref,


The study was conducted in Elobeid export groundnut companies in North Kordofan State during the production season 2022. The study’s objectives were to determine the concentration of heavy metals and the quality parameters of exported groundnut seeds compared with those of the Sudanese Standard Metrology Organization (SSMO, 1990). Three samples of groundnut seeds were collected from export groundnut companies. The groundnut samples were put in polyethylene bags (PEP) and labeled. The samples were transferred to the experimental laboratory to meet the determination of quality parameters requirement. Data were statistically analyzed using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) procedure and means compared using LSD at 5 % significance level. The results of the study concluded that quality parameters of the weight of 1000 seeds, impurities and small seeds in all export groundnut companies were within the standard recommended range established by (SSMO, 1990). At the same time, the shrunken seeds in all export groundnut companies were higher than the standard recommended range established by (SSMO, 1990). The broken seeds companies C and D were higher than the standard recommended range established by (SSMO, 1990). The study results concluded that quality parameters of moisture content %, oil content % and crude protein % in all export groundnut companies were within the standard recommended range established by (SSMO, 1990). The results concluded that the heavy metals concentration of Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb) and Iron (Fe) were higher than the recommended limit established by (SSMO, 1990). At the same time, the concentration of Cadmium (Cd) was not detected in all export groundnut companies. The results of the study concluded that there is no contamination by aflatoxin in all export groundnut companies under study, and through these results ensure that all export groundnut companies are within the recommended limit established by (SSMO, 1990). The study recommends another study to detect that causes due to high concentration in some quality parameters were not within the recommended range.


Determination, Heavy metals, Quality, Export groundnut, Kordofan, SSOM.


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