Industritrial Effluents Managed by Treating it using Indegeiously Preapred Cation-Excahnger from Agricultural Waste

International Journal of Applied Chemistry |
© 2019 by SSRG - IJAC Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2019 |
Authors : Ms. Niti Sakhuja |
How to Cite?
Ms. Niti Sakhuja, "Industritrial Effluents Managed by Treating it using Indegeiously Preapred Cation-Excahnger from Agricultural Waste," SSRG International Journal of Applied Chemistry, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 24-27, 2019. Crossref,
Industrial waste means the waste produced by industries during their manufacturing processes and mining operations. .Some examples of industrial wastes are chemical solvents, pigments, sludge, metals, ash, paints, sandpaper, paper products, industrial by-products, metals, and radioactive wastes. The managing of industrial waste has become a serious problem. Most industries produce waste water and its control has become a serious environmental threat. Its removal had become a challenging task for the environmentalist and engineers. Several methods have been developed for the removal of various contaminants from surface and waste water from various industries. The cation exchanger from wheat straw were used for the treatment of effluents of various industries like paper mill, distillery and steel industry. The cation exchanger made from wheat straw were subjected to various studies like exchange capacity, exchange equillibria, exchange kinetics, effect of concentration of electrolyte effect of flow and particle size on exchange. This newly formed Cation Exchanger has been used for treatment of various effluents from industries. The average exchange capacity is 0.9meq/gm as compared to synthetic cation exchanger i.e 1.4 to 2.9 meq/gm. But these are economically more viable as compared to synthetic exchangers. The commercially available product is R250/500gm and ours is Rs 40/500gm apprx. After tertiary treatment of effluent of paper, steel and distillery plant has been successfully used for irrigation purposes.
Cation exchanger, Effluent, Sulphonated Wheat Straw, contaminants, industrial .
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