Evaluate the Activation energy of Cresol Red by study the effect of U.V irradiation

International Journal of Applied Chemistry |
© 2019 by SSRG - IJAC Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 3 |
Year of Publication : 2019 |
Authors : Enas A. Almadani*, Hamad. M .Adress, Hanan Mohammed. Moftah |
How to Cite?
Enas A. Almadani*, Hamad. M .Adress, Hanan Mohammed. Moftah, "Evaluate the Activation energy of Cresol Red by study the effect of U.V irradiation," SSRG International Journal of Applied Chemistry, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 58-61, 2019. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23939133/IJAC-V6I3P109
This study basically designed to estimate the transition energy of cresol red by used U.V irradiation. The transition energy values were calculated according to the equation (ET = h C NA/λ), the λmax values were measured by studied the change of λmax at different time periods including (5,
10, 15 and 20 min) of U.V irradiation. The changes of absorbance and λmax value was mainly attributed due to the electronic transitions of π → π* and n- π* which are related to the original structure of dye used, the transitions of π → π* was the result of double bond and conjugate system beside the benzene rings. While the transitions of n→ π* which attributed to n electron in the original structure the indicator, this transition of (S) sulphur atom and (O) oxygen atom. The study recorded different values of ET depended up on the different period of U.V irradiations.
Cresol Red, U.V irradiation, Transition Energy, λmax, electronic transitions.
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