Comparative Evaluation of Major Nutritional Parameters for Eleven Pigmented Red Rice (PRR) and Nine Non Pigmented Rice (NPR), landraces of Assam. India
International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science |
© 2018 by SSRG - IJAES Journal |
Volume 5 Issue 3 |
Year of Publication : 2018 |
Authors : Manjusha Dasgupta and A.K Handique |
How to Cite?
Manjusha Dasgupta and A.K Handique, " Comparative Evaluation of Major Nutritional Parameters for Eleven Pigmented Red Rice (PRR) and Nine Non Pigmented Rice (NPR), landraces of Assam. India," SSRG International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 66-72, 2018. Crossref,
The present study was undertaken to evaluate the major nutritive values of some indigenous land races of paddy from Assam, India. The study material comprise of 11pigmented red rice and 9 non pigmented rice. The Nutritional parameters studied were crude protein, total carbohydrate, lipid, crude fibre and total mineral in the form of ash content. The different fractions of carbohydrate were also studied viz- Total soluble sugar, starch, amylose, and amylopectin. Considerable variation was observed among and between PRR and NPR landraces. Among PRR crude protein content varied from 8.20% to 13.96% while corresponding range of NPR was 8.70% to 11.18%. Total carbohydrate for PRR varied from 64% to 80%. While the corresponding range for NPR varied from to 62% to 69%. Lipid content varied within the narrow range of 1.72% to 3.75% for PRR while the corresponding range of NPR was 2.17% to 3.46%. Total mineral in the form of Ash content also varied within a narrow range of 0.83% to 1.40% for PRR; while the corresponding range of NPR was 0.35% to 1.43% .Calorific values in case of PRR varies from 314.79 kcal to 379.19 kcal, while in NPR 314.06 kcal to 349.51 kcal .Carbohydrate fractionation data shows that, irrespective of PRR and NPR in most cases amylose contents are higher than amylopectin .By implication most landraces are non- glutinous while a few semi glutinous.
Pigmented red rice (NPR), Non pigmented rice (NPR), Nutritional parameters, Carbohydrate fractions
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