Study of Endo-Parasitic Nematoda in Sargocentron Rubrum Fish at the Syrian Coastal Water
International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science |
© 2018 by SSRG - IJAES Journal |
Volume 5 Issue 3 |
Year of Publication : 2018 |
Authors : Hassan Salman, Morhaf Lahlah, Qamar Shaaban |
How to Cite?
Hassan Salman, Morhaf Lahlah, Qamar Shaaban, "Study of Endo-Parasitic Nematoda in Sargocentron Rubrum Fish at the Syrian Coastal Water," SSRG International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 96-100, 2018. Crossref,
The study was performed to isolate and detect the endo- parasitic nematodes which found in the intestins of Sargocentron rubrum fish in three regions at the Syrian coastal (Al- marfaa, Ibn- Hanii and the Estuary). 173 fish of S. rubrum were collected as (53, 45 and 75) fish in the above regions respectively. Results showed one species of endo- Nematodes in the intestines of the fish, which was the parasitic Cucullanus bioccai. The species C. bioccai was found in the three studied regions in 20 S. rubrum fish with infection ratio attained 11.11, 20.75 and 5.33, in the same regions respectively.
Parasitic, Nematode, Sargocentron rubrum, Cucullanus bioccai.
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