Evaluation of Underutilized Cereal Crop Coix Lacryma Jobi (Jobs‘s Tear) for Nutritiveand Nutraceutical Values

International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science |
© 2018 by SSRG - IJAES Journal |
Volume 5 Issue 4 |
Year of Publication : 2018 |
Authors : Zalio Seyie, Kangkon Saikia, Chandra Kanta Saikia, Gautam Kumar Handique, Arun Kumar Handique |
How to Cite?
Zalio Seyie, Kangkon Saikia, Chandra Kanta Saikia, Gautam Kumar Handique, Arun Kumar Handique, " Evaluation of Underutilized Cereal Crop Coix Lacryma Jobi (Jobs‘s Tear) for Nutritiveand Nutraceutical Values," SSRG International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 17-24, 2018. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23942568/IJAES-V5I4P103
Coix lacryma jobi (Job’s tear) is a lesser known but ancient crop. This is a minor cereal belonging to Gramineae family and the dehusked grain is consumed as staple food like rice. Very little information is available about the crop which is known to be resilient; have ability to withstand biotic stress and drought and can be grown without much inputs like irrigation, chemical fertilizers and other agrochemicals. Nutritive values were evaluated in terms of crude protein, total carbohydrate, lipid, crude fibre and total mineral in the form of ash content apart from calorific value. Crude protein exhibited variation in the range of 13.9% to 18.5%. Likewise, lipid content varied from 5.3% to 8.2%. These values are much higher than major food crops like rice, wheat, maize etc. Carbohydrate contents were comparable to that of rice. Total mineral in the form of ash content varied from 1.35% to 3.34% which are little higher than that of major food crop. Phenolics contents varied from 0.208 mg GAE/g dm to 0.580 mg GAE/g dm. in vitro antioxidant activity in terms of DPPH – RSA varied in the range of 40.2% to 87.6% .IC50 values varied from 2.66 mg/ml to 12.84 mg/ml.By implication the grains of Coix lacryma jobi have impressive antioxidant value apart from rich nutritive values. The present study shows that contrary to general perception non-conventional food crop like Coix lacryma jobi is superior to major crops like rice, maize, wheat etc. in terms of nutritive and nutraceutical values. Moreover, the crop exhibit considerable genetic diversity which can be exploited for productive and sustainable use.
Coix lacryma jobi,Job‘s tear,nutritive value, nutraceutical value, antioxidant activity
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