Climate Index for Estimating Nutmeg Plant Suitability under Tropical Rainforests in Maluku Province, Indonesia

International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science |
© 2018 by SSRG - IJAES Journal |
Volume 5 Issue 6 |
Year of Publication : 2018 |
Authors : Ahmad Basir, Risma Neswati, Sumbangan Baja, Christianto Lopulisa |
How to Cite?
Ahmad Basir, Risma Neswati, Sumbangan Baja, Christianto Lopulisa, "Climate Index for Estimating Nutmeg Plant Suitability under Tropical Rainforests in Maluku Province, Indonesia," SSRG International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 23-30, 2018. Crossref,
The nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt) has been known as an important plant spice since the 16th century. In order to restore the triumph of Maluku as a largest nutmeg producer, the central government had declared in 2017 that Maluku Island as “a spice island” with the priority to produce nutmeg, clove and cinnamon and therefore needed extensification of nutmeg plant to full fill the worlds demand. For the optimal nutmeg plant extensification it was necessarily to carried out a land evaluation studies to find out the areas which have a climate and soil characteristic suitable for nutmeg. However, the land requirements related to climatic particularly for nutmeg plant seem did not get much attention. This study aims to determine climatic requirements of nutmeg plant under tropical rain forest in Maluku Province and to see the correlation between climatic index and nutmeg plant productivity using a parametric approach. The research method used was a mixture of qualitative and quantitative approach in several stages i.e. determination of site location through overlying a nutmeg plant distribution map and nutmeg productivity map, field survey and data collection, data analysis, quantitative analysis for correlation between various an individual climatic characteristic with nutmeg productivity, selection of climatic characteristic, determination of climatic index according to parametric approach for each combination of climatic characteristic and correlation between climatic index with nutmeg productivity. The results showed that some climatic characteristics including precipitation, maximum temperature, degree of the days and humidity index were very strong correlated to the productivity of nutmeg plant with coefficient correlation (r) >0.95. The highest climatic index was found it in Banda Island with average of nutmeg yield was 4.966,6 kg ha-1year-1. Climatic index according to parametric seem was more appropriate in determination climatic suitability of nutmeg plant than simple limitation methods in the tropical rainforest Indonesia.
nutmeg, Banda, parametric approach, climatic index, tropical rainforest.
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