Application of Cropwat Model for Estimation of Irrigation Scheduling of Tomato in Changing Climate of Eastern Europe: the Case Study of Godollo, Hungary

International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science |
© 2019 by SSRG - IJAES Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2019 |
Authors : Abdul H. Halimi and Ashebir H. Tefera |
How to Cite?
Abdul H. Halimi and Ashebir H. Tefera, "Application of Cropwat Model for Estimation of Irrigation Scheduling of Tomato in Changing Climate of Eastern Europe: the Case Study of Godollo, Hungary," SSRG International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 1-11, 2019. Crossref,
Low agricultural water productivity in irrigated agriculture and very low food security is challenging due to high population explosion and water exploitation in agriculture in both developed and developing countries in the world. CROPWAT model is decision support system developed by FAO and it is used as practical tool to carry out standard calculations for reference evapotranspiration, crop water requirements, irrigation scheduling, and also allows helps in planning and decision making in the areas were water resource availability is varying and scarce. Therefore, understanding crop water requirements (CWR) is essential for better irrigation practices, scheduling and efficient use of irrigated water since climatic variability and water scarcity is in every corner in the globe. So, the main purpose of this research was to estimate crop water requirement and irrigation scheduling of Tomato in Gödöllő under Hungarian environmental condition. The major input data has been used in CropWat-8 model was climatic data, crop data and soil data. From the result it has been observed that, the total amount of water requirement for Tomato determined to be 393.6 mm and 527 mm for 2010 and 2011 respectively were as total amount of irrigation requirement for 2010 was determined as 164.1 mm while for 2011, 363 mm irrigation water was estimated for irrigated Tomato production. The CropWat model for Tomato irrigation schedules for all growing periods in 2010 was zero, 19.2 mm, 116.1 mm and 28.9 mm in its initial, development, mid and let stages of growing period respectively and also the irrigation scheduling for Tomato in 2011 were 16.7 mm, 89 mm and 129 mm in initial and development stages respectively followed by128.3 mm in their mid and end stages. Besides in the study area, 2010 was the wettest year but 2011 was determined as the driest year this may cause adverse condition on crop yields quantity and quality especially in case of tomato in mentioned years.
Crop Wat, Growing period, Climatic data and Irrigation scheduling
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