First Record of Porpita porpita LINNAEUS, 1758 (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) on the Syrian Coast of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea

International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science |
© 2019 by SSRG - IJAES Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2019 |
Authors : Samer Mamish, Hani Durgham and Samar Ikhtiyar |
How to Cite?
Samer Mamish, Hani Durgham and Samar Ikhtiyar, "First Record of Porpita porpita LINNAEUS, 1758 (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) on the Syrian Coast of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea," SSRG International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 47-49, 2019. Crossref,
The new hydrozoa species Porpita porpita Linnaeus, 1758 was observed stranded along the southern shore of Lattakia city, the eastern Mediterranean Sea, for the first time on 23 March 2019. This record will extend the global distribution and region limits of the above species.
Porpitaporpita, Blue bottom jellyfish, Hydrozoa, Syrian coast, Mediterranean sea, Levantine Sea.
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