Application of Quadratic and Jajar Legowo Planting Design on Soybean in No-Tillage After Paddy Field

International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science |
© 2019 by SSRG - IJAES Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 6 |
Year of Publication : 2019 |
Authors : Supriyono, Istikomah, Sri Nyoto |
How to Cite?
Supriyono, Istikomah, Sri Nyoto, "Application of Quadratic and Jajar Legowo Planting Design on Soybean in No-Tillage After Paddy Field," SSRG International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 28-31, 2019. Crossref,
Soybeans are the most important food commodity in Indonesia with needs that continue to increase each year. The high projection of consumption growth that is not balanced with productivity is a tough challenge for Indonesia in meeting soybean needs in the future. This requires the government to import. This study was aimed to determine the quadratic and jajar legowo planting design on soybean cultivation in notillage field after paddy. Jajar legowo planting design is able to increase the plant density through planting distance, thus interception of light will be increased. The use former paddy field without tillage is intended to utilize the remaining water in the soil. This research was conducted in June-August 2018 using RCBD of 1 factor with 4 levels and 6 replications. The level of treatment factor was based on the type of jajar legowo which affects the space and plant density. Observations were recorded on growth and yield variables that are carried out periodically every week, during the maximum vegetative phase, and during post-harvest. The results showed that the treatment of Jajar Legowo 3:1(The 3 rows are 20cm apart and the 4th row is empty,the first and third rows are line spaced 10cm apart while the second row or the middle row is line space 20cm) did not give a significant difference in the variable growth of quadratic system 20 cm x 20 cm but increased the LAI value. Other jajar legowo treatments reduce the yield component number of pods, seed weight per plant, and weight of 100 seeds.
no tillage soybean, after paddy field, planting density
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