Role of Biofertilizers and Organic Fertilizers on Growth and Yields of Soybean

International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science
© 2019 by SSRG - IJAES Journal
Volume 6 Issue 6
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Supriyono, Made Edo Lisando, Trijono Djoko Sulistyo, Sri Nyoto
How to Cite?

Supriyono, Made Edo Lisando, Trijono Djoko Sulistyo, Sri Nyoto, "Role of Biofertilizers and Organic Fertilizers on Growth and Yields of Soybean," SSRG International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science, vol. 6,  no. 6, pp. ):32-36, 2019. Crossref,


The low soybean production is influenced by the use of inorganic materials continuously which can reduce quality of soil and irrigation water. One of the efforts made to improve soil quality is directed towards the use of environmentally friendly biofertilizers and organic fertilizers. This research
aims to examine the potentiality of biofertilizers and organic fertilizers to increase growth and yield of soybean. The research conducted in the Experiment Screen House of Agriculture Faculty UNS, Sukosari Village, Jumantono District, Karanganyar Regency on Agustus to November 2018. This research used randomized completely block design consisted of 1 treatment factor with 13 levels. The results showed that application of biofertilizers and organic fertilizers could significantly increase growth and yield of soybean with the highest result was found in biofertilizers 45 kg/ha and organic fertilizers 10 tons/ha on paramaters of plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, weight of root nodules, plant dry weight, the number of pods, number of seeds, and weight of seeds each 43.68 cm, 11.17 leaves, 205,11 cm2, 0,18 g, 3.56 g, 13 pods, 22.67 seeds, and 2.79 g.


soybean, biofertilizer, organic, growth, yield


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