The Effect of Integration Between Heat and Time Factors on the Efficiency of the Carbonization of Peanut Shells to Prepare Biochar

International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science |
© 2020 by SSRG - IJAES Journal |
Volume 7 Issue 3 |
Year of Publication : 2020 |
Authors : Mohamad Ibrahheem, Ali Zidan |
How to Cite?
Mohamad Ibrahheem, Ali Zidan, "The Effect of Integration Between Heat and Time Factors on the Efficiency of the Carbonization of Peanut Shells to Prepare Biochar," SSRG International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 17-23, 2020. Crossref,
This research work was carried out in the soil fertility laboratory and plant nutrition at Faculty of Agriculture-Tishreen University-Lattakia, summer season 2019, by studying the effect of integration between heat and residence time factors on the efficiency of the carbonization of peanut shells to prepare biochar. The experiment included (12) treatments, consisting of (4) levels of carbonization heat (350, 450, 550 and 650 Co ) in combination with(3) levels of carbonization residence time (15, 30 and 60 minutes). After the completion of the carbonization process according to the specified temperature and time, the carbonized samples were cooled and preserved to do some measurements and tests. Some tests were performed to state the heat and time that gives the best efficiency of carbonization process, by color comparison, percentage of organic carbon, biochar purity and the percentage of ash. The results of the color changes of the carbonization products and alcohol leachates, match to the results of the chemical organic carbon estimation, where the percentage of organic carbon in the carbonization products recorded the highest value at a temperature of (350 Co) which is (2.05 %) and recorded the lowest value at a temperature of (650 Co) which is (1.2 %). There was an inverse clear significant relationship between the concentration of organic carbon and both the carbonization temperature and the carbonization residence time. Also the good biochar with high percentage of nonorganic carbon(about 79-80 %) and little or no Or.C, was obtained by carbonization at heating temperature of 450 Co for 1 hour or longer duration, or at higher heating temperatures (550 and 650 Co) for shorter durations.
Biochar, Carbonization, Peanut shells, organic carbon.
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