The Use of Mulch On The Growth And Yield of No Tillage Soybean Planting
International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science |
© 2020 by SSRG - IJAES Journal |
Volume 7 Issue 5 |
Year of Publication : 2020 |
Authors : Supriyono, Debora Dyah Kumalasari, Sri Nyoto, Maria Theresia Sri Budiastuti |
How to Cite?
Supriyono, Debora Dyah Kumalasari, Sri Nyoto, Maria Theresia Sri Budiastuti, "The Use of Mulch On The Growth And Yield of No Tillage Soybean Planting," SSRG International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 49-52, 2020. Crossref,
Soybean occupies the third most important position in the food crop group after rice and corn. Not yet achieved soybean production to meet domestic needs makes soybean imports continue to increase. Land management and mulch use are solutions if there are obstacles to soybean cultivation. No-tillage management is one of the promising ways of cultivating land developed to deal with some of the perfect tillage weaknesses. This research aims to get the type of mulch that can increase the growth and yield of soybean and get the right type of mulch for soybean in a system without tillage. This study used a randomized completed block design with 4 treatments: M1: without mulch, M2: straw mulch, M3: black silver plastic mulch alternating, M4: black silver plastic mulch entirely. Data from observations were analyzed with ANOVA (Analysis of variance) based on F test 5% and continued with Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) of 5%. The results showed that giving straw mulch and black silver plastic mulch had not increased soybean growth and yield significantly.
soybean, mulch, no-tillage
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