Effect of Different Nutrients And Spacing On Growth And Yield Attributes, Seed Cotton Yield, And Economics of Bt Hybrid Hirsutum Cotton

International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science |
© 2021 by SSRG - IJAES Journal |
Volume 8 Issue 5 |
Year of Publication : 2021 |
Authors : Jagdish Kumar, HG Prakash, Achila Singh, Deepti Pal |
How to Cite?
Jagdish Kumar, HG Prakash, Achila Singh, Deepti Pal, "Effect of Different Nutrients And Spacing On Growth And Yield Attributes, Seed Cotton Yield, And Economics of Bt Hybrid Hirsutum Cotton," SSRG International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 21-23, 2021. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23942568/IJAES-V8I5P104
A field experiment was conducted during the Kharif season of 2016 at the oilseed research farm, C.S. Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur, to see the effect of different nutrients and spacing in Bt hybrid hirsutum cotton. Data indicated that significantly higher plant height was recorded with the Bt hybrid 6488 BGII (199.5 cm) than non-Bt variety (125.5 cm), and this plant height was at with all the rest treatments. Application of 125% RDF+ 25% less than normal spacing (67.5x 45 cm) +Soil application of ZnSo4 (20 kg/ha) +foliar spray of 2% Urea and 2% DAP with Bt hybrid (6488 BGII) produced a greater number of bolls per m2 (133.7) and boll wt (4.3g) than all the rest treatments significantly. Application of 125% RDF+ 25% less than normal spacing (67.5x 45 cm) +Soil application of ZnSo4 (20 kg/ha) +foliar spray of 2% Urea and 2% DAP with Bt hybrid (6488 BGII) produced significantly higher seed cotton yield (3904 kg/ha) and lint yield (1352 kg/ha) followed by application of 125% RDF+ 25% less than normal spacing (67.5x 45 cm) +soil application of ZnSo4 (25 kg/ha) (3873 kg/ha) and (1340 kg/ha) seed cotton yield and lint yield, respectively, as compared to all the rest treatments. Application of 125% RDF+ 25% less than normal spacing (67.5x 45 cm) +Soil application of ZnSo4 (20 kg/ha) +foliar spray of 2% Urea and 2% DAP with Bt hybrid (6488 BGII) increased significantly higher seed cotton yield to the tune of 27.6 % as compared to the application of 100% RDF+ Normal spacing (67.5x 60 cm) with Bt hybrid (6488 BGII) (3058 kg/ha). Significantly higher GOT (34.7 % ) was obtained with application of 125% RDF+ 25% less than normal spacing (67.5x 45 cm) +Soil application of ZnSo4 (20 kg/ha) +foliar spray of 2% Urea and 2% DAP with Bt hybrid(6488 BGII) as compared to 100% RDF+ Normal spacing (67.5x30 cm) with Non Bt variety (Vikas)(33.3 %).Highest net return(Rs 128216/ ha) and B:C ratio (2.74) were recorded with application of 125% RDF+ 25% less than normal spacing (67.5x 45 cm) +Soil application of ZnSo4 (20 kg/ha) +foliar spray of 2% Urea and 2% DAP with Bt hybrid(6488 BGII) followed by application of 125% RDF+ 25% less than normal spacing (67.5x 45 cm) +soil application of ZnSo4 (25 kg/ha) with Bt hybrid (6488 BGII) (Rs 126236.00/ha) and ( 2.68) net return and B:C ratio, respectively.
b:c ratio, bt cotton, ginning outturn, hybrids, lint yield, the net return, spacing, seed cotton yield. and ZnSo4.
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