Economics of Honey Beekeeping A CSE STUDY OF Homs Governorate, Syria

International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science |
© 2021 by SSRG - IJAES Journal |
Volume 8 Issue 5 |
Year of Publication : 2021 |
Authors : Khetam Edrees |
How to Cite?
Khetam Edrees, "Economics of Honey Beekeeping A CSE STUDY OF Homs Governorate, Syria," SSRG International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 24-32, 2021. Crossref,
The research aimed to identify the cost structure functions estimate costs and economies of scale for the production of honey bees Homs Governorate. The results showed an analysis of the cost structure of honey production variable costs accounted for approximately (47.38)% of total costs accounted for feeding on the most important by (66.23)%while fixed costs are formed (52.62)%of the total costs, such as family work the important by paragraphs (67.14)%. The results of quantitative analysis that cost function Cube long-run is most appropriate for relationship adopted in the study according to tests of statistical and standard, economic, and The results showed the size of production optimization (632.31) Kg, size best about (65) beehive. The estimated elasticity of costs amounted to 1 achieved at optimal level of production (633) Kg Were calculated as the minimum price (14949.16) SP/Kg, function supply was derived in long -run, showing that is a positive relationship between quantity supplied of honey bees and price when the price is greater than (14949.16) SP/Kg While the price elasticity in the long run period amounted to (2.34) the honey bees is flexible for price changes and results from the show the average cost decreases until it reaches to the optimal level of production while proportion economies of scale achieved to the maximum value (100)% at the optimal level of production .average cost and flexibility equal zero to the level of production optimization, In addition, research showed that measuring the technical efficiency that about (28)% of the economic resources were not optimally utilized, and the economic efficiency of honey bee breeding has not achieved the required level.
bees, the costs of production function honey. Economies of scale, Function supply, economic efficiency, technical efficiency.
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