Combining Ability Analysis in Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) for Improvement of Seed Yield, Oil & Quality Component Traits

International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science |
© 2022 by SSRG - IJAES Journal |
Volume 9 Issue 3 |
Year of Publication : 2022 |
Authors : Achila Singh, NaliniTewari, Jagdish Kumar, Sanjay Kumar |
How to Cite?
Achila Singh, NaliniTewari, Jagdish Kumar, Sanjay Kumar, "Combining Ability Analysis in Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) for Improvement of Seed Yield, Oil & Quality Component Traits," SSRG International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 1-9, 2022. Crossref,
The present study deals with the development scope of linseed lines for industrial and edible purposes by estimating oil and its quality traits; for this, a combining ability study was carried out for seed yield, oil, and quality traits in a diallel set of eleven parents and their 55 F1 s. The analysis of variance revealed that the parents and hybrids included in the investigation exhibited significant differences between treatments for all the characters, indicating a considerable amount of variability among the genotypes. The ratio of gca variance to that of sca variance was less than unity for almost all the traits except omega-6, suggesting that these traits were governed by non-additive gene action. T 397 proved to be the best general combiner for seed yield per plant, Shubhra for oil content and iodine value omega-6 and omega-3 in the positive direction, Gaurav for omega-6 content, oil content and omega-3 in the negative direction, LC 185 for iodine value, palmitic acid, oleic acid, the protein content of seed and omega-3 in the positive direction, N.P. 22 for palmitic acid, oleic acid and omega -3 in the negative direction. In sca effects, the crosses Sweta × T 397 for seed yield per plant, oil content, and omega-3 in the negative direction, R-17× 1/76 for oil content, T 397 × Gaurav and N3 × T 397 for omega-3 in the negative direction. Gaurav × LC 185 for oil content, iodine value, and omega 3 in the positive direction, EC 41498 × 1/76 for plamitic acid, stearic acid, omega 6, and omega 3 in the negative direction, R 17 × EC 41498 and Shubhra NP22 for omega 3 in the positive direction and Sweta × LC 185 for omega 3 in negative direction were found promising.
Combining ability, Gene action, Hybrid, Linseed, Oil content.
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