The Assessment of Genetic Polymorphism in Triticale SC1 Somaclones using RAPD-PCR Markers

International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science |
© 2023 by SSRG - IJAES Journal |
Volume 10 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2023 |
Authors : Renata Ciobanu |
How to Cite?
Renata Ciobanu, "The Assessment of Genetic Polymorphism in Triticale SC1 Somaclones using RAPD-PCR Markers," SSRG International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 9-17, 2023. Crossref,
The triticale varieties are becoming more and more widespread crops as human and animal feed. To carry out genotyping of the valuable varieties, molecular markers are important in identification and polymorphism analysis. In the proposed investigation, triticale somaclones derived from three triticale cultivars (Ingen 35, Ingen 93, 188TR5021) were evaluated and compared to the forms obtained from seeds exposed to gamma irradiation (150 Gy). Molecular genetic variability was evaluated based on twelve arbitrary primers using the RAPD method. The results of genotyping with RAPD primers found the most informative oligomers in discriminating the triticale forms. According to the higher weight showed a pronounced polymorphism between somaclones, irradiated and recurrent cultivars. A higher genetic diversity has been identified in forms derived from cultivar Ingen 93 (25% polymorphism) compared to Ingen 35 (15%) or 188TR5027 (19%), especially in somaclone obtained from Ingen 93, confirmed by the number of specific fragments (5) and the highest dissimilarity index (0.26). The significant variability in the frame of somaclones was confirmed by the genetic distance based on the Jaccard index, differentiating them from the control and irradiated treatments.
Triticale, Genetic polymorphism, RAPD primers, Somaclone.
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