Review of Integrated Management of Cereal Cyst Nematode Heterodera avenae on Wheat Crop under Centre Pivot Irrigation System

International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJAES Journal |
Volume 11 Issue 3 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : Ibrahim Naser |
How to Cite?
Ibrahim Naser, "Review of Integrated Management of Cereal Cyst Nematode Heterodera avenae on Wheat Crop under Centre Pivot Irrigation System," SSRG International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 19-23, 2024. Crossref,
Cereal Cyst Nematode (CCN), Heterodera avenae, was reported on wheat crops grown under center pivot irrigation systems in different parts of Saudi Arabia, including Gassim, Al-Kharj, Hael and Tabuk. The estimation of wheat yield reduction by the CCN in Saudi Arabia ranged from 40 – 92% on sandy soil. An integrated cereal cyst nematode management plan was implemented at TADCO, Saudi Arabia, during the period 2006 – 2011, and it demonstrated a great degree of success as it minimized the expansion of infested areas with CCN and minimized yield reduction to around 4.1%. CCN management plan included monitoring CCN infestations on a yearly basis, and the application of granular systemic nematicide on the infested spots of each pivot. Also, the application of granular NPK 14-38-10 and granular K2SO4 fertilizers, implementation of crop rotation mainly alfalfa by direct drilling using the No-Till method for wheat sowing, use of certified wheat seeds and Machinery Sanitation.
Cereal Cyst Nematode Management, Crop rotation, Granular nematicides, Nematodes extraction, Wheat crop.
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