Features of the Manifestation of Morphological Traits of Tomato Vegetative and Generative Pollen Cell Nuclei in Lines and F1 Hybrids Under the Influence of High and Low Temperatures

International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJAES Journal |
Volume 11 Issue 5 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : Milania MAKOVEI |
How to Cite?
Milania MAKOVEI, "Features of the Manifestation of Morphological Traits of Tomato Vegetative and Generative Pollen Cell Nuclei in Lines and F1 Hybrids Under the Influence of High and Low Temperatures," SSRG International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 21-28, 2024. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23942568/IJAES-V11I5P103
The paper presents the results of the studies on the manifestation and variability pattern of morphological traits (nucleus diameter, perimeter, area) of vegetative (V) and generative (G) tomato pollen cells in parent lines (P1 and P2) and their F1 hybrids under optimal (25 °C), high (45 °C) and low temperatures (+7 °C). It has been shown that the nuclei of V and G pollen cells of different genotypes reacted ambiguously to the action of high and low temperatures. The V pollen cell nuclei were morphologically more homogeneous in the F1 populations than in their parental forms. On the contrary, the G pollen cell nuclei in the F1 populations showed high heterogeneity, especially against the background of stresses. The degree of variability of the morphological traits of the nuclei of vegetative (V) and generative (G) pollen cells in F1 hybrids depends on both the genotype characteristics of their parental forms and the types of stress factors (45 °C and +7 °C). It was found that the indices of the traits of the nuclei of V cells of the pollen of F1 hybrids in all variants (25 ºС, 45 ºС, +7 ºС) were controlled by the influence of paternal components. While the G pollen cell nucleus traits in F1 were under the control of paternal forms in optimal conditions (25 ºС), the degree of expression traits nucleus diameter, perimeter and area was under the influence of maternal forms when exposed to high and low temperatures (45 ºС and +7 ºС.)
F1 hybrids and their parental lines, Pollen, Tomato, Temperature factors, Vegetative and generative cell nucleus, Variability.
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