Chemical study of the fruits of some Prunuscerasia Blanche phenotypes prevailing in the Syrian coast
International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science |
© 2017 by SSRG - IJAES Journal |
Volume 4 Issue 6 |
Year of Publication : 2017 |
Authors : Mohammad Nizam, Dr. Hafez Mahfoud, Dr. Haitham Ismael |
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Mohammad Nizam, Dr. Hafez Mahfoud, Dr. Haitham Ismael, "Chemical study of the fruits of some Prunuscerasia Blanche phenotypes prevailing in the Syrian coast," SSRG International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 5-10, 2017. Crossref,
The research was conducted in 2017 to identify the most important chemical components (total sugars, total acidity, dry matter and soluble solids) for ripe fruits of 42 shrubs of Prunuscerasia Blanche on 12 sites in the Syrian coast, with the objective of making comparison of the studied shrubs to determine variation between them and know the best for breeding and genetic improvement programmes of almonds.The results showed variation in the chemical content of studied traits of wild plum fruits, so the fruit content of soluble soilds had the highest value 23% for the shrub (LK3) in Kassab site (Lattakia province) and the lowest value 10.2% for the shrub (TR1) in Rjam site (Tartous province). The highest total acidity was 3.06% for the shrub (TM1) in Matn al-Sahel town and the lowest was 0.64% for the shrub (TS1) in al-Souda town, and both sites are in Tartous province.As for fruit content of sugars, the two shrubs (LD1 and LD2) in Al-Daliya site had good content of sugars (8.83 and 8.9%) respectively, and they were significantly higher than other studied shrubs in this trait. In addition, significant variation between plum shrubs in terms of fruit content of dry matter was found, ranging between (12.07-25.18%).
wild plum, chemical composition, sugars, TA, TSS.
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