Continuity Reservoir Magnetic Anomaly at Kelud, Kasinan-Songgoriti, and Arjuno- Welirang of Geothermal Area, East Java Indonesia

International Journal of Applied Physics |
© 2019 by SSRG - IJAP Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 3 |
Year of Publication : 2019 |
Authors : Fitri Ayu Lestari, Sukir Maryanto, Didik Rahadi Santoso |
How to Cite?
Fitri Ayu Lestari, Sukir Maryanto, Didik Rahadi Santoso, "Continuity Reservoir Magnetic Anomaly at Kelud, Kasinan-Songgoriti, and Arjuno- Welirang of Geothermal Area, East Java Indonesia," SSRG International Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 111-117, 2019. Crossref,
This research aimed to observe the continuity reservoir magnetic anomaly of the geothermal system at Kelud, Kasinan-Songgorti, and Arjuno-Welirang. The magnetic data was Performed using PPM G-856 on 74 points with a total area of 36 × 40 Km. Manifestation points covered the areas of Kelud, Kasinan-Songgoriti, and Arjuno-Welirang (Cangar and Padusan hot springs). A qualitative interpretation was conducted to the total transformation result of magnetic field anomaly diurnal corrected and referred to IGRF correction (International Geomagnetic Reference Field). The
Result of the Research indicated a total magnetic intensity field at a range of -613.62 nT to 722.25 nT. The residual anomaly from the contour map showed that geothermal reservoirs were probably present in areas with a low magnet intensity value around the hot spring area, identified as volcanic breccias and tuffs. A quantitative interpretation was performed by creating 3D inversion modeling and 2D forward modeling. Modeling of residual anomaly showed location distribution, depth, and thickness of geothermal reservoirs. The distribution pattern indicated the existence of secondary structures and flow patterns of fluid from the reservoirs to the manifestations on the surface. This indicated geothermal system in Kelud might have different manifestations from that of geothermal systems in Kasinan-Songgoriti and Arjuno-Welirang.
Magnetic method, Reservoir, Manifestation, Kelud, Kasinan-Songgoriti, Arjuno-Welirang.
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