Investigation of The Thermodynamic Properties of Tetra Fluoro Tetra Cyanoquino Dimethane Molecule (F4-Tcnq) By Using Quantum Semi-Empirical Software

International Journal of Applied Physics |
© 2021 by SSRG - IJAP Journal |
Volume 8 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2021 |
Authors : Wtban Ahmad Muhammad, Abdul Hakim Shakur Muhammad |
How to Cite?
Wtban Ahmad Muhammad, Abdul Hakim Shakur Muhammad, "Investigation of The Thermodynamic Properties of Tetra Fluoro Tetra Cyanoquino Dimethane Molecule (F4-Tcnq) By Using Quantum Semi-Empirical Software," SSRG International Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 14-24, 2021. Crossref,
In The Current, the thermodynamic properties of a F4-TCNQ molecule were studied using MNDO-PM3 semi-empirical quantum programs using HyperChem program to draw the engineering structure and the primary matrix containing ( r, θ, φ) It was used to obtain the final matrix using WinMopac, where the thermal properties of the molecule were calculated and from these properties the entropy and the enthalpy , the formation temperature and the heat capacity in addition to the according to the values of the functions and the graphical relationship was drawn to them as a function of temperature and from the graphic relationship and at the temperature Standard 298 K The Heat of Formation (ΔH˚f), enthalpy (H), Heat Capacity (CP) , Entropy (S) and Gibbs free energy (G) , their values, respectively (ΔH˚f=55.740 Kcal/mol), (H=11045.4722 cal/mol( ,(CP=60.3194Cal.mol/ K), (S=138.5499 cal/K/mol) , (G =-30242.3980 cal.mol/K) .
thermodynamic, F4-TCNQ, Gibbs, HyperChem, WinMopac, MNDO-PM3 , OTFTs , OLEDs.
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