A Generalized Pilot Wave Model of Quantum Tunneling in a Dynamic Vacuum
International Journal of Applied Physics |
© 2021 by SSRG - IJAP Journal |
Volume 8 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2021 |
Authors : Gianpaolo Bei |
How to Cite?
Gianpaolo Bei, "A Generalized Pilot Wave Model of Quantum Tunneling in a Dynamic Vacuum," SSRG International Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 59-63, 2021. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23500301/IJAP-V8I2P108
We discuss the old and modern experiments of quantum tunneling, and we illustrate a new proposal based on the hypothesis of a dynamic effect of vacuum polarization on tunneling probabilities. We apply it to explain by a classical electromagnetic framework the recent experiments on dynamically assisted nuclear tunneling effects. We propose, in particular, a vacuum-dependent pilot-wave model with backreaction for particles with variable mass. We suggest a self-consistent system of coupled equations that assumes that the pilot wave is a Klein-Gordon-like scalar electromagnetic potential which determines the relative trajectory of the tunneling accelerated particle with respect to the accelerated target. We deduce a generalized time-dependent tunneling probability which depends on the hidden vacuum index and on the variable mass. We compare our relationship with the standard one based on Gamow formalism of unstable decaying states. We conceive dynamical assisted quantum tunneling as a time-dependent irreversible process whose non-Hamiltonian dynamics are controlled by hidden vacuum energy fluctuations. Endly we argue that the generalized formula of our model may pave the way to a prediction of the path-dependent tunneling time determining the real trajectory followed by the particle during tunneling.
variable mass, hidden vacuum index, generalized pilot-wave models, vacuum-dependent tunneling probabilities, path-dependent tunneling time.
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