Classical Calculation of the Radii of Proton and Electron

International Journal of Applied Physics
© 2024 by SSRG - IJAP Journal
Volume 11 Issue 2
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : Detlev Füchtenbusch

How to Cite?

Detlev Füchtenbusch, "Classical Calculation of the Radii of Proton and Electron," SSRG International Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 11,  no. 2, pp. 1-5, 2024. Crossref,


In his model, Bohr had the electron orbit around the center of gravity of the hydrogen atom. He manipulated classical physics by demanding freedom from radiation for this accelerated motion. In this article, his model is used, and the radiation of electromagnetic energy is explicitly permitted. The energy remains in the atom so that there is no loss to the outside. For the surfaces of the proton and electron, which are assumed to be spherical, a direct proportionality to the atomic volume and the radiation power and an inverse proportionality to the binding energy are derived. The binding energy of the hydrogen atom known from the literature is used to calculate the particle radii. The radiation powers of the proton and electron are determined using their kinetic data. The volume of the hydrogen atom is calculated using values from the literature. With these data, a proton radius in the order of 6*10-16 m to 19*10-16 m can be derived. For the electron, this results in a radius range of approximately 3*10-19 m to 10*10-19 m. With the numerical values of the two authors, the proton radius can be narrowed down to a range of 8.42*10-16 m and 8.83*10-16 m. The corresponding electron radii can be calculated as 4.59*10- 19 m and 4.81*10-19 m.


Bohr’s atomic model, Atomic volume, Radiation power, Energy flow, Energy density, Surface radiation balance.


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