A Comparative Analysis of Dumpsite and Surface Soil Samples in Gboko Metropolis

International Journal of Applied Physics |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJAP Journal |
Volume 11 Issue 3 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : Ayaakaa, D. T., Akaagerger N. B, Shiada S. M., Enape M. O., Nyiyongo E. S., Ikum J. I |
How to Cite?
Ayaakaa, D. T., Akaagerger N. B, Shiada S. M., Enape M. O., Nyiyongo E. S., Ikum J. I, "A Comparative Analysis of Dumpsite and Surface Soil Samples in Gboko Metropolis," SSRG International Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 1-5, 2024. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23500301/IJAP-V11I3P102
Comparative analysis of dumpsite and surface soil samples in Gboko metropolis. This project deploys the method of using a reduction factor to reduce the value of the raw data. The values of 40K range from 2.39 to 2.79 Bq/Kg from Benue Cement Company (Dangote Cement Plant) to Gboko Polytechnic for surface soil samples and dumpsites values of 10.20 to 17.58 Bq/Kg from Adekaa Market to Mechanic Site (New Road) respectively. 238U and 235U values range from 1.57 to 2.49 Bq/Kg and 2.03 to 4.13 Bq/Kg in Gboko East to Akperan Orshi and Mkar to Hausa Quarters, respectively. The values of 232Th are higher in surface soil than dumpsite, ranging from 2.41 to 4.72 Bq/Kg from Benue Cement to Mkar Hill and 1.01 to 1.57 Bq/Kg dumpsites from Rice Mill to Adekaa, respectively. The absorbed dose rate value was 6.96 to 10.29 nGy/h for Gboko East and 15.06 nGy/h to 22.82 nGy/h for Adekaa Market and Mechanical Site for dumpsites, respectively. The annual effective dose ranges from 0.008 to 0.012 mSv/y in Gboko East and Gboko Polytechnic, respectively, for surface soil and 0.018 to 0.027 mSv/y for dumpsites samples. The internal hazard values range from 0.049 to 0.073 from Gboko East to Gboko Polytechnic for surface soil samples with a mean value of 0.061, and dumpsites values range from 0.099 to 0.129 in Adekaa Market to Akaajime respectively and the mean value of 0.123. All the values are lower than the world average value of 370 Bq/Kg, 51 nGy/h, 0.07 mSv/y and 1 for activity concentration, absorbed dose rate, annual effective dose and internal hazard. Despite these small exposures to radiation with continuous accumulation, they pose a health threat to humans.
Surface soil, Gboko metropolis, New road, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Soil sample.
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