The Mathematics of The Tympanic Membrane As An Acoustics Device

International Journal of Applied Physics |
© 2019 by SSRG - IJAP Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2019 |
Authors : Teru, P. B., Aboche F.E, Gyobe A.M., Chagok, N.M. D, Mohammed U. G, NdomB. N, Kozah A.A |
How to Cite?
Teru, P. B., Aboche F.E, Gyobe A.M., Chagok, N.M. D, Mohammed U. G, NdomB. N, Kozah A.A, "The Mathematics of The Tympanic Membrane As An Acoustics Device," SSRG International Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 87-92, 2019. Crossref,
Hearing loss and hearing sensitivity to Frequencies have occupied the front burner in many recent researches. Frequencies are thought to affectthe ear; including the Vibration of the Tympanic membrane and the oscillation of the middle bones. The transduction of sound waves into electrical signals and many more. In this work, the Vibrational modes of the Tympanic membranewere derived. The Tympanic membrane was viewed as a circular Vibrating homogeneous membrane of Radius(a)under a Tension (T) and having a linear mass Density
Hearing loss, Vibrations, Radius, Tension, Frequency, Tympanic membrane and Density
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