Gravitational Field Wave as a Longitudinal Scalar Component of the Electromagnetic Field Waves

International Journal of Applied Physics |
© 2019 by SSRG - IJAP Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 3 |
Year of Publication : 2019 |
Authors : Daniel Bratianu |
How to Cite?
Daniel Bratianu, "Gravitational Field Wave as a Longitudinal Scalar Component of the Electromagnetic Field Waves," SSRG International Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 81-90, 2019. Crossref,
In this work it is found that the Einstein- Maxwell field equations for charge - free space admit plane - wave solutions that may be considered not only as electromagnetic (EM) waves, but also as gravitational (G) waves. This conclusion may be sustained by means of some local gauge transformation that leaves the energy-momentum tensor unchanged and introduces the G interaction into the classical electrodynamics. The result of this local gauge invariance is deriving of four field equations which turn out to be a more general form of Maxwell’s equations. On the basis of these quations, it is shown that the plane EM and G waves are combined as a single EM wave in which the G field is proportional to the scalar longitudinal component of the EM wave, i.e. proportional to the scalar projection of electric field onto the common direction of propagation of the EM and G waves. In addition, starting from the principle of least action, the relativistic equation of a charged test particle in the field of EM and G waves is determined. In the non - relativistic limit, it is found that the parametric equations of test particle describe a curve similar to the so - called trochoid. Then, it is deduced that the motion of a test particle can not occurs under the influence of G field alone, since the inertial mass of test particle is related to the absolute value of its
electric charge so that a test particle without electric charge must be a particle without inertial (rest) mass. These results suggest that the new derived form of the Maxwell’s equations in free space may be proposed as a completion to the Einstein - Maxwell equations in free space.
orthogonal transformations, EM invariants, longitudinal vector component of the electromagnetic field waves, electro - gravito - magnetic (EGM) field, Weyl - like equation for describing massless particles
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