Use of alccofine 1206 to achieve high performance durable concrete

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2016 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 3 Issue 5 |
Year of Publication : 2016 |
Authors : Alok Kumar, Oshin Parihar, Rahul Chaudhary, Shiv Prakash Singh |
How to Cite?
Alok Kumar, Oshin Parihar, Rahul Chaudhary, Shiv Prakash Singh, "Use of alccofine 1206 to achieve high performance durable concrete," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 30-34, 2016. Crossref,
This dissertation work is to study the influence of Alccofine 1206 a mineral admixture in concrete when it is mixed in cement concrete for the green state and hardened state i.e. for workability and strength of concrete using OPC (43 grade). Alccofine 1206 has been added to OPC which varies from 5% to 15% at interval of 5% by total weight of OPC and partial replacement of OPC (43 grade) by Alccofine 1206 which varies from 5% to 15% at interval of 5% by total weight of OPC. A total eighteen mixes (trial mix, control mix and variation mix) were prepared for grade M25 of concrete. This study investigates the performance of concrete mixture in terms of Compressive strength for 7days and 28 days, Flexural strength of beam 28 days and Splitting tensile strength of Cylinder for 28 days respectively of M-25 grade concrete. The addition levels of OPC by Alccofine 1206 were 5%, 10% and 15% where addition levels of 1% super-plasticizer was used in all the test specimens for better workability at lower water-binder ratio and to identify the sharp effects of Alccofine1206 on the properties of concrete. Water-binder ratio was kept 0.43 for all cases. Total number of specimens for cubes 24, cylinders 12 and beams 12 which were casted for testing to study influence of Alccofine 1206 on concrete. These Concrete specimens were deep cured in water under normal atmospheric temperature. On the basis of result that addition of concrete from Alccofine 1206 was found to increase in all strength (Compressive, Flexural & Splitting Tensile strength) and durability of variation mix of concrete on all age when compared to normal concrete its use should be promoted for better performance as well as for environmental sustainability.
Alccofine 1206, Compressive strength, Durability, High Performance Concrete Workability, Compressive Strength, Flexural Strength, Splitting Tensile Strength.
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