Experimental Study on Slope Erosion Control with Technology of Straw Fiber Closing Layer

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2014 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 1 Issue 4 |
Year of Publication : 2014 |
Authors : Abdul Rivai Suleman |
How to Cite?
Abdul Rivai Suleman, "Experimental Study on Slope Erosion Control with Technology of Straw Fiber Closing Layer," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 25-32, 2014. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23488352/IJCE-V1I4P105
This study aims to analyze the influence of the characteristics of slope erosion rate of the surface layer of silty sand soil cover layer is given with rice straw fiber. This study is testing in the laboratory using a model USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) as a comparison to determine the amount of the rate of soil erosion that occurs in silty sand. Research carried out with 3 variations of rainfall intensity is 50 mm/hour, 100 mm/hour and 120 mm/hour and using artificial Rainfall Simulator tool in the Hydroulics Laboratory of State Polytechnic of Ujung Pandang. The physical model used in this study is made of wooden planks shaped box with 1x1x0,5 m. The result showed that the effect of rainfall intensity and slope gradient on soil erosion rate is directly proportional. In high rainfall intensity and the greater the value of the slope will increase the magnitude of the rate of soil erosion also. The magnitude of the rate of erosion that occurs based treatment in the laboratory on successive rainfall intensity I50, I100 and I120 with 10˚ slope is E = 4,100 gr/m2 /hour, E = 15,350 gr/m²/hour and E = 39,250 gr/m²/hour. At 20˚ slope is E = 5,650 gr/m²/hour, E = 24,800 gr/m²/hour and E = 54,150 gr/m²/hour and slope of 30˚ is E = 35,608 gr/m²/hour, E = 53,500 gr/m²/hour and E = 94,150 gr/m²/hour. Based on the result of the regression analysis on the original land for the determination of the rate of erosion due to changes in rainfall intensity I50, I100 and I120 with a slope of 10˚, 20˚ and 30˚ is obtained: E = 0,8197e0,0311(I), E = 1,1264e0,0318(I) and E = 17,845e0,0128(I). For closing 30% of straw fiber row on I50, I100 and I120 with 10˚ slope is E = 0,750 g/m²/hour, E = 1,050 gr/m²/hour and E = 1,750 gr/m²/hour. At 20˚ slope is E = 2,450 gr/m²/hour, E = 3,050 gr/m²/hour and E = 5,900 gr/m²/hour and slope of 30˚ is E = 6,150 gr/m²/hour, E = 9,400 gr/m²/hour and E = 21,300 gr/m²/hour. Based on the result of the regression analysis for the closure of 30% rice straw fiber is obtained : E = 0,4109e0,0111(I). The magnitude of the rate of erosion that occurred in the percentage cover 30% on average by 17,68% of the rate of erosion on rate native soil, in other words the rate of erosion on native soil will be reduced by an average of 82,932% if the land is given a cover layer of rice straw fiber the percentage cover of 30%.
Erosion, Silty sand soil type, Rainfall intensity, Slope gradient, Regresion analysis
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