Analytical Study on Seismic Response with and Without Soft Storeys in Multi-Storey RC Building

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2017 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 4 Issue 4 |
Year of Publication : 2017 |
Authors : Rupak Banik, Kalai Vani .M |
How to Cite?
Rupak Banik, Kalai Vani .M, "Analytical Study on Seismic Response with and Without Soft Storeys in Multi-Storey RC Building," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 16-24, 2017. Crossref,
In this study, the responses of soft storey were studied with the help of ETABS software. The three dimensional RC frame was considered with assumed sizes of structural members like size of columns, size of beams and thickness of slab. At first, the material properties are assumed as per code. The number of bay is assumed in “X” direction, the spacing of 3m. The number of bay is assumed in “Y” direction, the spacing of 5m. The number of floor is to be considered as nine with 3m height of each floor. There are four models are created for the analysis such as bare frame, RC frame with masonry infill wall, RC frame with bottom soft storey and RC frame with top soft storey. Live load are applied on each floor as pr IS: 875 (Part 2)- 1983. The building is assumed to be situated at Zone-II (Bangalore), Zone-III (Chennai), Zone-IV (Delhi) and Zone- V (Guwahati). The dynamic analysis is performed by assuming the fixed base. In dynamic analysis was performed for all the models as per IS: 1893 (Part-I). The results obtained from the analysis were studied comparatively and tabulated for all the models. The conclusion will be given by comparing the seismic responses from dynamic analytical results of all models obtained. From the analytical results, it was clearly understood that soft storey will plays the major role in the structural integrity of RC frame.
RC frame with masonry infill wall, Bottom soft storey, Top soft storey, diaphragm drifts, storey drifts, storey shear, overturning moment, storey stiffness
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