Productivity Analysis of Pile Driving Equipment in Mumbai

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2017 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 4 Issue 5 |
Year of Publication : 2017 |
Authors : Prakash H. Panda, Mr. Sahajanand Kamat |
How to Cite?
Prakash H. Panda, Mr. Sahajanand Kamat, "Productivity Analysis of Pile Driving Equipment in Mumbai," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 57-65, 2017. Crossref,
Modern construction projects are complex in nature and success of a project depends greatly on proper and scientific planning. Proper use of appropriate equipment contributes to economy, quality, safety, speed and timely completion of the project. One of the most important tasks in the pre-construction planning process is equipment selection. Productivity has for many years been an issue for the construction industry. The industry is deeply concerned that construction productivity is not only below that of the manufacturing sector, but is also below the national average. The industry has identified several factors that have impeded construction productivity, namely, a shortage of suitably trained, skilled supervisors and workers; a weakening local construction workforce. Often when data become available, the site condition has changed and the improvement ideas obtained from productivity analysis are already obsolete. Timely productivity monitoring can provide construction engineers with insightful information so that corrective measures can be applied immediately to control on-going construction. Various analytical and simulation productivity analysis models were identified, studied and compared in view of their suitability. After the proper understanding of all these various models definitive steps can be taken to choose among the best available pile driving machinery for best output with good economy. Also a certain degree of validation is established among the various methods.
Productivity, Construction operations, Method productivity delay model (MPDM), Time lapse, Five minute rating, Field survey Rating, Piling, Relative Importance Index.
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