Performance of Castor Oil as Admixture in Fresh Cementitious Matrix

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2017 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 4 Issue 6 |
Year of Publication : 2017 |
Authors : Olorunmeye Fredrick JOB, Emmanuel ACHUENU, Solomon Soji MAXWELL, Sunday Ainoko ITODO |
How to Cite?
Olorunmeye Fredrick JOB, Emmanuel ACHUENU, Solomon Soji MAXWELL, Sunday Ainoko ITODO, "Performance of Castor Oil as Admixture in Fresh Cementitious Matrix," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 86-93, 2017. Crossref,
Most organic admixtures for mortar and concrete are based on mineral oil derivatives. The need for natural replacement that can secure sustainable development cannot therefore be over emphasized. This study therefore focus on characterizing the oil extracted from locally sourced castor seed, verifying the effects of castor oil on setting times of ordinary Portland cement paste and also establishing the effects of castor oil on the workability and air entrainment of both fresh mortar and Concrete. The castor oil dosages by weight of cement adopted were 0.0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 1.0%. Fresh mortar mixes used were M 1:4 and M 1:3 while Concrete grade C20 and C25 were used for the fresh concrete. The study found that the physiochemical properties of the castor oil meet the standards and also comparable with other vegetable oils. From the study the duration between the initial and final setting times for all the dosages tested remains almost same but the values for 0.5% and 0.7% shows higher values. At a dosage of 0.5% oil, the workability value in lean mix was higher than the rich mix. However there was a drop in the workability values after the increase in the oil dosage above 0.5% which could be due to the excess oil addition which makes the mix stickier. The study on Air entrainment shows that richer mixes entrains more air than leaner mixes at any particular oil dosage for both concrete and mortar mixes. It further shows that air entrained drops steadily after the oil added in the mixes exceeds 0.5%. The study therefore, recommends 0.5% castor oil by cement weight in mortar and concrete as satisfactory dosage.
Admixture, Air entrainment, Castor oil, Setting time, Workability.
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