Application of Hybrid Fuzzy topsis for Decision Making in Dam Site Selection

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2017 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 4 Issue 7 |
Year of Publication : 2017 |
Authors : Adeyanju O.I, Adedeji A.A. |
How to Cite?
Adeyanju O.I, Adedeji A.A., "Application of Hybrid Fuzzy topsis for Decision Making in Dam Site Selection," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 4, no. 7, pp. 40-52, 2017. Crossref,
Making the best choice of location for dam sitting can now be addressed better with the concept of Technique for Ordering Preference Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) an operational research technique when used with fuzzy logic, an artificial intelligence approach which has really helped in eliminating the vagueness arising from just using TOPSIS alone when several decision makers are involved in the task of making the best choice out of the several alternative choices available. The ArcGis alongside remote sensing tool were used with TOPSIS to select the best site for dam construction. 17 decision makers grouped into 4 teams were involved in the decision making process, 6 criteria were considered and 4 potential dam locations (A, B, C, D) selected from where the best location was chosen. In the end location A was chosen as the best site for the dam construction with closeness to ideal solution of 0.547.
TOPSIS, Fuzzy, Dam, MCDA, Remote Sensing, ArcGis
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