Modeling transport in porous solute Unsaturated: risk of contamination of Groundwater in the area of niayes (senegal)

International Journal of Civil Engineering
© 2015 by SSRG - IJCE Journal
Volume 2 Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2015
Authors : Mamadou Lamine DIALLO, El Hadji Bamba DIAW , Alassane DIENE, Paul DEMBA, Moustapha NDIAYE, Ablaye DIALLO, Grégoire SISSOKO
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Mamadou Lamine DIALLO, El Hadji Bamba DIAW , Alassane DIENE, Paul DEMBA, Moustapha NDIAYE, Ablaye DIALLO, Grégoire SISSOKO, "Modeling transport in porous solute Unsaturated: risk of contamination of Groundwater in the area of niayes (senegal)," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 2,  no. 1, pp. 11-20, 2015. Crossref,


In Senegal, the Niayes is an agricultural area where market garden producers use a lot of products such as fertilizers and pesticides. With irrigation, assuming a vertical flow, infiltration can cause with it chemicals that can reach the water in the water table, which is used for drinking by people in the area and other domestic activities. In this article, it is to assess the risk of contamination of the water straight to the use of chemicals in the Niayes. To do this, the software HYDRUS-1D allows us to model and visualize the spread and flow component concentration considered pollutant from the soil surface to a specified depth, and to report links which may exist between certain depth and soil parameters. The substance will be considered non-radioactive, with a particular concentration. To the ground, it is necessary to consider the hydrodynamic characteristics in the various study sites.


nitrates on health,Quantification of nitrogen


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