A Guide for Analysis and Comparative Study on Conductive Concrete

International Journal of Civil Engineering
© 2018 by SSRG - IJCE Journal
Volume 5 Issue 4
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Danish Hameed Khan M, Jawdath Farhan T, Shanmuganathan, Insamam Ul Huq
How to Cite?

Danish Hameed Khan M, Jawdath Farhan T, Shanmuganathan, Insamam Ul Huq, "A Guide for Analysis and Comparative Study on Conductive Concrete," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 5,  no. 4, pp. 1-4, 2018. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23488352/IJCE-V5I4P101


This paper represents the comparative study on the behavioral properties & strength of conductive concrete.The purpose of this research was to conduct a thorough review of the literature and summarize the numerous mix ratios of conductive concrete that helped in achieving deicing.


De-icing, Conductivity, Conductive Concrete, Composites.


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