Analysis and Design of Sewage Treatment Plant: A Case Study on Vizianagaram Municipality
International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2018 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 5 Issue 4 |
Year of Publication : 2018 |
Authors : M. Bhargavi, E.Ananta Rao, T.Pravallika, Y.Sri Teja |
How to Cite?
M. Bhargavi, E.Ananta Rao, T.Pravallika, Y.Sri Teja, "Analysis and Design of Sewage Treatment Plant: A Case Study on Vizianagaram Municipality," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 23-28, 2018. Crossref,
The main objective of this study is carried out to design of a sewage treatment plant for a vizianagaram municipality, because it has been a developing place due to steady increase increasing population, which in results excess of sewage is produced. To avoid this problem, to construct the sewage treatment plant. This paper focuses on sewage generation in vizianagaram area, which was estimated 38.203MLD considering population of next 30 years. We are designed the various components of sewage treatment plant like screens, grit chamber, primary sedimentation tank, activated sludge process, sludge drying beds. It is proposed to design the various components of sewage treatment plant considering various standards and permissible limits of treated sewage water. The treated water will be used for irrigating the crops and the sludge which is generated after the treatment will be used as manure, so it increases the fertility of soil. Also reduce the ground water usage.
Sewage treatment plant, Irrigation, Sludge, Manure, Ground water, Sedimentation.
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