Evaluation and Experimental Analysis of Composite Materials of Passive Earth Berming Techniques for Green Buildings
International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2018 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 5 Issue 6 |
Year of Publication : 2018 |
Authors : Er.Ashok Bhalkar, Dr.N.N.Shinde |
How to Cite?
Er.Ashok Bhalkar, Dr.N.N.Shinde, "Evaluation and Experimental Analysis of Composite Materials of Passive Earth Berming Techniques for Green Buildings," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 10-12, 2018. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23488352/IJCE-V5I6P103
Earth Berming are used to reduce thermal load in building envelop and is passive technique to achieve comfort. The composite walls with insulation are costly It is necessary to try different local material using earth berming for building envelop. This research work is associated with theoretical analysis of earth berming systems of different composites using lawn plus lateritic soil/black cotton soil/porous soil and, brick wall with plaster on either side. The prototype earth berming building are developed at laboratory scale and tested, evaluated for its thermal transmittance U values.
Earth berming, thermal balance, passive wall, wall cooling effect, wall thermal analysis, wall and comfort analysis.Energy conservation, Insulation, Building Envelop, and Building Insulation
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