The Determination of Priority Scale for City Road Management in Banjarmasin
International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2018 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 5 Issue 10 |
Year of Publication : 2018 |
Authors : Damayanti, Iphan F Radam |
How to Cite?
Damayanti, Iphan F Radam, "The Determination of Priority Scale for City Road Management in Banjarmasin," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 33-40, 2018. Crossref,
The road management priority is needed by decision makers in serving public necessities in terms of accomplishment of equitable road infrastructure. In this research, the method used did not only have particular regard for non-technical factor which consisted of Development Plan Meeting (Musrenbang), public proposal, and policy, but also for technical factors. Technical factors were reviewed in terms of its management, namely the maintenance and improvement, each of which consisted of Average Daily Traffic (LHR), damage level, road network, land use, road function, and road class. The present research was aimed to obtain the priority rank of road management, by considering the factors that influenced the analysis using the AHP method. Based on the results of the AHP analysis, the factors that influenced the weighting in the AHP method towards the priority rank of road management in the City of Banjarmasin in this research are technical and non-technical factors. As for technical factors, they have 3 (three) times weight (75%) from that of non-technical factors’ (25%). However, in overall, judging from the fulfillment of non-technical indicators, they apparently have a massive weight: the most important factor is shown by Development Plan Meeting with a weight of 14.48%. As for the technical aspects, both for maintenance and improvement, they are shown by severe damage indicator with an interest level of 8.63% in terms of maintenance, and 8.53% for improvement. The usage of the AHP method in determining the priority scale of road management is applicable to the role and commitment of the decision makers.
AHP, priority scale, city roads
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