Durability Characteristics of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete with M-Sand

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2018 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 5 Issue 11 |
Year of Publication : 2018 |
Authors : B.Manoj Yadav, K.K Yeswanth, Bhavani |
How to Cite?
B.Manoj Yadav, K.K Yeswanth, Bhavani, "Durability Characteristics of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete with M-Sand," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 1-5, 2018. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23488352/IJCE-V5I11P101
Concrete is considered to be the excellent building material. The major ingredients of concrete are cement, water, fine and coarse aggregates. The demand of these materials keeps on increasing now-a-days as we are depleting the resources of the earth. For instance, the availability of river sand is less which leads to increase in the cost of the material. During the manufacturing process of the cement toxic gases such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide release which is dangerous to environment. Moreover, the concrete is very good in compression but the tensile strength is just one-tenth of the compressive strength. In order to eliminate these draw backs, several research works are in practice. This paper tries to investigate the durability behaviour of the concrete with the implementation of such innovative works. This paper attempts to investigate the durability characteristics of the geopolymer concrete with hybrid fibres and also it includes the usage of M- sand. This paper completely eliminates the usage of cement thus it is environmental friendly. This paper completely eliminates the river sand thus it is economical and this paper uses the hybrid characteristics of fibres as well. Thus in overall sense making the concrete more durable
Geopolymer concrete, Manufactured sand, Hybrid fibers, Durability characteristics.
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