Reduction of Dynamic Earth Pressure on Retaining Wall Backfilled with STC: A Review

International Journal of Civil Engineering
© 2018 by SSRG - IJCE Journal
Volume 5 Issue 12
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Samreen Bano, Dr.Sabih Ahmad
How to Cite?

Samreen Bano, Dr.Sabih Ahmad, "Reduction of Dynamic Earth Pressure on Retaining Wall Backfilled with STC: A Review," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 5,  no. 12, pp. 1-8, 2018. Crossref,


Now-a-days the disposals of waste tyres have become a tremendous problem due to increasing number of vehicles on the roads day by day. Since, it is non-degradable so it may create large human problems as well as environmental impacts and vulnerabilities. To reduce these vulnerabilities, it may be used in many civil engineering constructions and geotechnical applications like tyres include embankment fill, retaining wall and bridge abutment backfill etc. The shredded tyre inclusion with soil is used as backfilled for earth-retaining structure to find out the responses of the structure under seismic condition. The seismic performance of a retaining wall depends upon on the total pressure (i.e. static plus dynamic pressure). Dynamic earth pressure is the most important factor to analyse the retaining wall in seismic areas. Seismic design of retaining walls is generally based on seismic pressure or allowable displacement. From the present study, it has been noted that inclusion of sand tyre mixture as an backfill material as considerably reduces seismic earth on wall and lateral displacement of wall compare to the case when only soil has been used as a backfill material. Moreover, a parametric study has been conducted to evaluate the effects of these parameters on reduction of lateral earth pressure and lateral displacement of the wall.


Dynamic earth pressure, Displacement, Sand, Tyre Chips, Retaining Wall


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