Investigation of the Influence of Light Crude Oil on the Performance of Cement Mortar

International Journal of Civil Engineering
© 2019 by SSRG - IJCE Journal
Volume 6 Issue 4
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Magdi Almabrok , Robert McLaughlan , Kirk Vessalas
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Magdi Almabrok , Robert McLaughlan , Kirk Vessalas, "Investigation of the Influence of Light Crude Oil on the Performance of Cement Mortar," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 6,  no. 4, pp. 39-45, 2019. Crossref,


Spillage and leakage of hydrocarbon from petroleum activities have continually increased and are recognized as important contamination sources. The management of hydrocarbon contaminated fine-grained material is a major environmental concern. These hazardous materials have been regulated by legislation and have become one of the pressing needs confronting the petroleum industry. Current treatment technologies are either cost-prohibitive and/, or the treated products have to be sent to the landfill without any potential end-user, thereby rendering these solutions unsustainable. Cement-based stabilization/solidification (S/S) is an emerging technology; however, there is currently quite limited knowledge on the Effect of oil on the cement solidification process and its consequent effect on the performance of the resultant cementitious mix. The appropriate end-use scenario for cement-based mortar is examined when incorporating light crude oil and 10% aggregate mass. Calorimeter study indicated that the introduction of light crude oil into cement mortar has an impact but no discernible dramatic change. It caused some hydration inhibition but little retardation. Increased light crude oil fraction in the cement mortar increased setting time and decreased air content. The compressive strength decreased by ~50 % compared to the control at 28 days age. However, since the compressive strength covered a wide range of values, various feasible end-use scenarios for oil-contaminated mortar exist.


Light crude oil, mortar, compressive strength, stabilization, solidification.


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