Fractal Modelling of Partition Habitable Areas in Urban Environment Overcrowds in Democratic Rep. Congo in Sub-Saharan Africa

International Journal of Civil Engineering
© 2019 by SSRG - IJCE Journal
Volume 6 Issue 8
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Kitoko di Sola, S.K. Mbambu, Leonard Kabeya Mukeba Yakasham
How to Cite?

Kitoko di Sola, S.K. Mbambu, Leonard Kabeya Mukeba Yakasham, "Fractal Modelling of Partition Habitable Areas in Urban Environment Overcrowds in Democratic Rep. Congo in Sub-Saharan Africa," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 6,  no. 8, pp. 1-10, 2019. Crossref,


In this investigation, the behavior of an irregular tendency to minimize the dwelling space for a family makes that the norms of architectural reflection and the style of life are put back into question. The house and/or spaces of dwelling is an institution and not only a structure created for a complex whole of intentions.
The active goal is to create an environment that either best adapted, in other words, to the quality of the life of people, the techno-social and sanitary space in civil engineering and urbanism. A challenge to raise is to predict and to see the urban and out-of-town concentration facing the demographic growth and climatic warming up with the partition of the areas. In the continuation, we develop the fractalization of areas habited, the genesis of the concentration to the tentative of extension, the coupling of a number of a square meter per capita of the habitable space to the interfaces of the social ecology for urban development, opposite the estimable norms that motivate this study of thesis.


Model, simulation, fractal, partition, areas, habitat, overcrowding, Environment.


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