Modeling the Effect of Biochar on Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon Biodegradation and Emanation from Soil

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2019 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 11 |
Year of Publication : 2019 |
Authors : Arimieari, L.W, Ezeilo, F.E. |
How to Cite?
Arimieari, L.W, Ezeilo, F.E., "Modeling the Effect of Biochar on Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon Biodegradation and Emanation from Soil," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 6, no. 11, pp. 11-15, 2019. Crossref,
The purpose of this study is to model the effect of biochar on soil polluted with petroleum using plantain peel to prepare the biochar by method of local pyrolysis. The soil was collected from an agricultural farm land; it was contaminated with petroleum product and mixed properly to achieve proper contamination. A microcosm system was constructed consisting of four plastic buckets containing 1 kg of soil, artificially contaminated with petroleum. Biodegradation was monitored over 42 days by determining the total petroleum hydrocarbon content of the soil. The results showed that plantain peel biochar amendment technique was the most effective, reaching up to 29.46% (14 days), 40.63% (28) and 54.86% (42 days) of petroleum percentage biodegradation from contaminated soil. A first-order kinetic model was fitted to the biodegradation data to model the biodegradation rate and the corresponding half-life time was estimated. The model revealed that petroleum contaminated-soil microcosms under plantain peel amendment had higher biodegradation rate constants (k) as well as lower half-life times (t1/2) than unamended soil remediation systems. ANOVA statistical analysis revealed that petroleum biodegradation in soil was significantly (p = 0.002) influenced by the addition of plantain peel biochar amendment agents. The amendment of soils with biochar has the potential to be an effective, economical, environmentally friendly and relatively different approach to remediate organic compound contaminated soil.
Biodegradation, Plantain Peel Biochar, Petroleum, First-order kinetics.
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