Analysis of Mode Choice among Airplanes, Minibus, and Trains on Muara Teweh – Palangka Raya Route
International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2020 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 7 Issue 12 |
Year of Publication : 2020 |
Authors : Puryani, Iphan F. Radam |
How to Cite?
Puryani, Iphan F. Radam, "Analysis of Mode Choice among Airplanes, Minibus, and Trains on Muara Teweh – Palangka Raya Route," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 3-8, 2020. Crossref,
The increase in the North Barito district's economy also affects increasing the volume of people and goods transporting into and out of the North Barito district. Providing reliable transportation needs to be done, one of which is by providing alternative transportation services by train. To obtain information on the extent of public interest in trains, it is necessary to choose existing and new transportation modes, namely between airplanes, minibusses, and trains. The route analyzed is from MuaraTeweh-Palangkaraya. The analytical method used is the Multi NomialLogit approach. Based on the results obtained, the attributes include personal characteristics that influence the mode choice, gender, and the traveler's income level. The characteristics of traffic movements that affect the model are travel time, travel cost, and transportation services level. The probability of a balance between the three modes of transportation under study is obtained because the train's cost is IDR. 250,000, -, minibus cost IDR. 200,000, - and an airplane cost IDR. 295,000, -.
mode choice, sensitivity, travel cost, travel time
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