Minimum Services Analysis of Public Transportation Based On Trip Makers Preference In Banjarmasin

International Journal of Civil Engineering
© 2021 by SSRG - IJCE Journal
Volume 8 Issue 9
Year of Publication : 2021
Authors : Niken Meillisa Putri, Iphan F. Radam
How to Cite?

Niken Meillisa Putri, Iphan F. Radam, "Minimum Services Analysis of Public Transportation Based On Trip Makers Preference In Banjarmasin," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 8,  no. 9, pp. 1-6, 2021. Crossref,


Banjarmasin trip makers are less likely to use public transportation due to low utility, services, and operating management. One of the alternatives to increase their interest in public transportation is to improve the level of service and facilities. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the factors that influence public transportation use and to determine the priority of public transportation management to fit the preferences of trip makers in Banjarmasin. This study uses logistic regression method. From the analysis results, only 17 out of 37 variables affect trip makers interest to use public transportation. The improvement of the quality of public transportation services and facilities includes safety and security of trip makers from accidents, pickpockets and thugs, punctuality of departure and arrival schedules, service information availability which includes fares, departure and arrival schedules, routes area, well-mannered, respectful, and friendly drivers with an identity card, clean and convenient environment, not crowded during getting on and off public transportation, well-maintained facilities, attractive design, quiet atmosphere, accessible service on a smartphone, and has the number of trip makers information per route.


feeder, public transportation, transportation modes.


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