Mechanical Characteristics of Kenyan Borassus Aethiopum Mart timber as Reinforcement for Concrete

International Journal of Civil Engineering
© 2021 by SSRG - IJCE Journal
Volume 8 Issue 11
Year of Publication : 2021
Authors : Oubedoulaye Kone, David Otieno Koteng, Mohammed Matallah, Charles Karimi Kabubo
How to Cite?

Oubedoulaye Kone, David Otieno Koteng, Mohammed Matallah, Charles Karimi Kabubo, "Mechanical Characteristics of Kenyan Borassus Aethiopum Mart timber as Reinforcement for Concrete," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 8,  no. 11, pp. 7-12, 2021. Crossref,


The construction industry consumes a significant amount of energy and resources in most countries; research into the partial replacement of non-renewable contemporary building materials with renewable natural materials has risen recently. Several studies have been conducted in Africa to expand the quantity of knowledge available on Borassus Aethiopum Mart timber. It may be utilized as a standalone material or as a reinforcement in cement composites. This research aims to examine the mechanical properties of Borassus Aethiopum Mart timber and the adhesion of the Borassus-concrete interface. The results of tests conducted on the upper and lower parts of the wood of Borassus Aethiopum Mart from Kenya show compressive strengths of 56.551 ± 18.247 MPa and 60.730 ± 12.84 MPa, shear strengths of 7.657 ± 3.009 MPa and 8.131 ± 1.713 MPa, 12.4 kN and 5.41 kN in hardiness for the moisture content of 29.495 ± 6.685% and 21.274 ± 1.647% and a density of 802 ± 101 kg / m3 and 965 ± 24 kg / m3. Young's moduli and breaking stresses are 3387.27 MPa and 108.23 MPa for the lower part and 3167.11 MPa and 77.65 MPa for the upper part. The pull-out test results reveal that the adhesion stress at the Borassus-concrete interface is 2.021 MPa.


Borassus Aethiopum Mart timber, mechanical characteristics, concrete, adhesion.


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