Tidal Analysis for Wave Runoff Mitigation on Coastal Area of Bulo

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2021 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 8 Issue 11 |
Year of Publication : 2021 |
Authors : Jasin Muhammaf Ihsan, Tangkudung Nicolaas Johanes Anthonius, Malingkas Grace Yoyce, Supit Cindy Jeane |
How to Cite?
Jasin Muhammaf Ihsan, Tangkudung Nicolaas Johanes Anthonius, Malingkas Grace Yoyce, Supit Cindy Jeane, "Tidal Analysis for Wave Runoff Mitigation on Coastal Area of Bulo," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 32-40, 2021. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23488352/IJCE-V8I11P105
Indonesian coast has its big potential to be used as a center of human activity. The growing utilization of coastal areas is accompanied by the increase of coastal issues, such as the reverse of coastline caused by erosion, where erosion itself is due to wave and thus has its consequences to the settlement and tourism region along the coast. Some human activities in a coastal area, such as harbor, navigation, tourism, and some other things, must be managed purposefully to keep to coastal profile uninterrupted. Bulo coast, located in the Rerer village Minahasa regency, is potential beach tourism. Currently, the Bulo coast has degradation in its coastal profile as a process of wave runoff. Periodically tidal are the factor affecting the coastal area; therefore, the analysis must be carried out rigorously to obtain the correct sea level prior to overseeing activity in the coastal area. Facing the fact that every coastal area has its own tidal condition, this research aims to determine the tidal type and water level at the Bulo coast by using the Admiralty method. The tidal data is collected from direct measurement in the location for 15 days in a row. The analysis gives a result that the Bulo coast has a mixed tide prevailing semidiurnal type with the highest high water level (HHWL) of 145 cm (+70.4 cm from MSL), and the lowest low water level (LLWL) is 3 cm (-71.6 cm from MSL).
Bulo coast, tidal analysis, Admiralty method
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